Course curriculum

  • 1

    Introduction: How to Understand Body Language

  • 2

    Active Listening and Observation is a Key Pillar | Understanding Non-Verbal Communication

    • Master Active Listening Skills | Understanding Non-Verbal Communication

    • Learning Why Really Listening is Important | Nonverbal Communication

  • 3

    Learning to Ask Questions is Essential for Establishing a Baseline

    • Examples of Baseline Questions

    • Baseline Questions are Your Key to Uncovering the Truth

  • 4

    Mastering Actively Listening and Observation | Baseline Effectively

    • Mastering Actively Listening and Observation | Baseline Effectively

  • 5

    Understand The Basics of Non-Verbal Communication and Body Language

    • 360 Degree Perspective of Non-Verbal Communication and Body Language

  • 6

    Understanding Arm Movements: What Can They Reveal

    • The Meaning Behind Arms and Hand Movements with Examples

  • 7

    The Secrets of Hand Gestures: Deciphering Body Language Secrets

    • HEY! Watch Those Hands

  • 8

    Postive Body Language with Examples

    • Confident Body Language, Power Posture and What to Avoid

  • 9

    Facal Gestures | Lip Reading

    • Lip Reading: Deciphering and Learning to Understand those Lips

  • 10

    The Eyes Can't Lie!

    • The Eyes Don't Lie!

    • The EYES: How to Understand the Eyes and the Meaning

    • The Eyes: How Detect a Liar by Reading Their Eyes

    • Eye Movements (VAK) | Deciphering Non-Verbal Communication

  • 11

    7 Primary Micro Expressions

    • The 7 Primary Micro Expressions (Thumbnails) Baseline, Micro Expressions, Body Language

  • 12

    Mastering Nonverbal Communication | Understanding Body Language | Putting it All Together

    • Mastering Nonverbal Communication | Understanding Body Language | Putting it All Together

  • 13

    Bonus: Verbal Language Tips

    • BONUS: When and How to Use the Word 'Why': A Clear Understanding

    • When You Should Avoid Using the Word "Why"